Danny Sperling, of Minty Highway, is a client of Thaxted Yoga. When he became involved with helping with their administration and website management, he quickly decided to move away from their WordPress site, as he wanted to make some major changes and have more control over the layout.
Thaxted Yoga uses Reservie for its booking system. We were advised that it would integrate well with Squarespace, so that helped decide which platform to use.
I also knew there would be some great photos, and that they would work well with the minimalist Squarespace templates.
There was a firm deadline for this project as the hosting on the old WordPress site was due to renew and Thaxted Yoga wanted to cancel it.
Danny acted as project manager, liaising between the owner and I. This is a formula that works well - Danny and I have worked on a number of websites together - building them and then maintaining them.
Firstly, we created a demo site in Squarespace - agreeing the structure and an overall aesthetic.
The yoga studio was under new ownership and was going through a rebrand. The new logo used lovely, vibrant colours which worked well with a simple white background. We then used two colours from the logo as accent colours.
Danny worked with the studio team to pull together all the necessary content, which I then uploaded and laid out.
Once the new site was ready, I updated the DNS settings with Free Parking, making sure the mailboxes were unaffected.
I also did some housekeeping on their social media channels, including transferring the Google My Business listing from the previous owner to the current owner, and set up a MailChimp template for them to use for their newsletters going forward.