I was contacted by Helen Murray, the owner of Stoke Newington B&B. Helen needed a website she could update herself. When I showed her how easy Weebly is to use, she gave me the thumbs up and I set about building her a website.
I found a template on Weebly that Helen really liked and worked with her to create the site structure. She already had some lovely high res photos, so I was able to add these, along with some copy she had pre-prepared and very quickly the site started to take shape.
I created an account for Helen in Fasthosts and registered the domain for her website. After adding the site metadata and a couple of little extras like a Google Map, a simple logo and a Photo Gallery, the Stoke Newington B&B website was ready to go live.
Helen doesn't use social media very much at the moment, so I just set up a Facebook page and a Google+ page for her.
I also set up Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools accounts, so I can help her understand the traffic to her website and what visitors are doing once they get there.
I also set up a Google My Business account and sorted out a longstanding problem Helen had been trying to resolve with PayPal.
The whole process from start to finish took 7.5 hours.