Fostering through Social Enterprise (FtSE) is a consortium of charitable and not for profit fostering agencies, across the UK, whose members look after over 2,000 children in care. The consortium needed a low cost website solution, since their online budget comes from a set contribution from each of the member agencies and is fairly limited.
I met with the Chair of FtSE to discuss requirements, and, based on our discussions, produced a first draft of the website using Weebly.
The only artwork available was a hard copy of a leaflet (all electronic images long gone) and some copy from an old Wordpress blog site.
FtSE had a bottle green logo and a photo of a child holding a yellow flower - I used these components to inform the colour scheme of the website, with the emphasis on simplicity and uncluttered white space.
I used the Weebly blog functionality to keep the News section up to date.
I was asked to present the first draft of the website to representatives of all the member agencies at a FtSE meeting. Everyone was pleased with the overall look and feel of the draft site, and from there I was quickly able to put the finishing touches to the website and in time for a conference at the end of February 2012. I also set up Facebook and Twitter accounts for FtSE, which I now maintain along with the website.
The maintenance work focuses on sourcing news and policy content from other websites within the fostering arena, as well as original content from FtSE, and posting this to the website, Facebook and Twitter.